Your foot is one of the most neglected parts of your body. If it’s not functioning correctly, it can affect your entire quality of life in terms of what you can and cannot easily do with your physical activities.
Many people have lost function in their foot (or feet) due to trauma, infection, or even a birth defect resulting in degeneration of the foot. Reconstructive foot surgery is designed to correct foot anatomy and address long-term issues that affect daily life.
By correcting issues with your foot, you can ease the stresses associated with your personal and social life and improve your overall self-esteem by being better able to take care of your needs without the frustration of having to wait on others.
You may be suffering from foot issues and have attempted non-invasive treatment. You may also have had a previous minor surgery that was ineffective.
Either way, you may be currently dealing with pain in your foot resulting in a loss of function that’s affecting your mobility. This may require you to depend on others for daily activities, causing stress and depression. Reconstructive foot surgery can help correct the issues in your foot (or feet), restoring function, mobility, independence, and state of mind. You can also stop further damage from occurring, which can create long-lasting effects that may not be able to be corrected.
You may have recurring symptoms, such as pain, numbness, or loss of function in your foot (or feet) due to a medical issue.
If you have tried non-invasive treatment options and they have been unsuccessful, then you may need the type of reconstructive foot surgery New York City’s top podiatry destination Gotham Footcare can provide. Contact us to schedule your consultation. During your consultation, we will examine your foot and review your medical history to verify your eligibility.
This outpatient procedure usually requires general anesthesia for the duration of the surgery. While there are different techniques used in the various procedures, there is an average time of 2 hours for the surgery to be completed, though this can be shorter or longer depending on your specific foot needs.
During the procedure, the surgeon will make incisions at the target location and rebuild the affected tendons, ligaments, and even bones involved with the medical issue. At times, the specific issue may only require minimally invasive procedures, in which the incisions are minimal, which aids in recovery time. Make sure to talk to your New York City reconstructive foot surgery provider beforehand to review the specific procedure that will be done to your foot and ask any questions you have then.
ConsultationYou will not be able to drive or walk yourself home, so make sure you have assistance available once you recover from anesthesia. You will have a cast or possibly thick bandages on your foot, so you will need to keep it dry and elevated.
Most importantly, you will need to rest and keep your leg elevated for at least two weeks after your surgery. Unless you work from home, you will need to stay home those two weeks, so plan to take off work. In addition, if your normal job involves standing on your feet for long periods, it may take up to 8 weeks before you can return to work. For intensive, complicated surgeries, it can take up to 3-6 months before you can return to work full time, so make sure to discuss this with your surgeon beforehand.
Your recovery time will depend on the type of operation you have and how well you follow postoperative instructions. Swelling can last up to 3-4 months to fade, although, for more intricate surgeries, it may take up to a year for the swelling to subside.
You will also have multiple follow-up visits. This will include removing your cast or bandages and assessing your healing. You won’t be able to wear regular footwear until after the cast has been removed and swelling has gone down enough for shoes to fit. You will only slowly return to your regular activities, and will likely need physical therapy as your foot heals. It may be 2-6 months before you can bear your full weight unaided, but as you progress, you will find that you will be able to walk on your own and begin to regain your independence.
Suffering from a foot condition can affect your entire life, from being limited in what you can do for yourself, to having to depend on others for assistance, to feeling mentally fatigued by your limitations.
Reconstructive foot surgery offers you the opportunity to move past these conditions and enjoy more independence. If you’re interested in reconstructive foot surgery in Manhattan or New York City, then call Gotham Footcare for your consultation. You will receive an exam and a treatment plan will be created for you. Call or email today and set up your consultation.
If you have extreme pain in your foot and/or ankle, deformity or disease in your foot that has caused loss of function, or suffered a trauma (such as a sports accident), then reconstructive foot surgery may provide the relief and best solution for regaining function in your feet.
Because you will be under anesthesia during the surgery, you will not feel any pain. However, the recovery process may produce discomfort and some level of pain, particularly as you work to regain function, usually through physical therapy. You can ask your doctor about the types of pain medication you can take to alleviate your symptoms.
The cost will change depending on the specific issue you have with your foot and the type of surgery needed as a result. Your insurance should cover some or all of your medically necessary surgery. If you do not have insurance or have a large deductible and you need assistance, you can apply for financing or inquire about payment plans during your consultation.
At Gotham Footcare in NYC, we strive at recognizing your individual needs and desired outcomes while formulating an effective and personalized treatment plan with the highest quality care available.
What sets Gotham Footcare apart from other podiatry offices is our dedication to providing you with the education you need to make well-informed decisions regarding your care. Regardless of what your foot and ankle trouble may be, at Gotham Footcare our team will work tirelessly to help you feel better. At Gotham Footcare, we help you put your best foot forward.